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2024.07.04: Hell ya 4th of July. I got drunk as fuck and watched Saving Private Ryan last night for the 9000th time. America is a pretty
shitty place to live but I still like Washington. Even though the Californian menace is ruining it. I don't think I'd really live 
anywhere else.

It's kind of amazing how effortless it was to be super active in Japan. Every day I would wake up and eat a rice ball and just walk
for 7-10 miles without even intending to. I was trying to keep that going here since I got back but its basically impossible without
playing a lot of mental games. Every single fucking thing to do here involves sitting in a fucking car for half the day. And if you want
to walk you are walking along a giant noisey hideous road with cars blasting past you at 40 MPH, and the walk sucks and you're walking
to somewhere you don't really want to go anyways. I should keep trying though.

I cut up a chicken last night. Turned out pretty good. I'm gonna make a chintan stock with the bones. I have the meat marinating in a
little soy sauce garlic thing, I'm gonna grill it up later. I need to work on my knives, they were having a tough time with the chicken
skin. I do finally having a honing strop. I need to get a little practice with it.

2024.07.03: Man the internet SUCKS now. I am endeavering to only compute in the unsullied lands from now on. So I'm going to try to write
a little bit about my day here regularly, and put together stuff online that doesn't suck to do.

Just started my 5-day weekend. I'm thinking about trying to make a chintan ramen stock. Might grab a chicken from the safeway. Also wanna
grill. Will have to see how the night goes.


https://mgregory22.me/tx81z/: a very cool page of resources for the Yamaha TX81Z synthesizer
https://hackaday.com/: the essential hardware hacker blog

The DECAY Webring

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